The Character of Bagong as a Symbol of the Lower-Class Society in Seno Nugroho’s Wayang Kulit (Shadow Puppet) Performance
This study aimed to determine the clarification regarding the figure of Bagong as a symbol of the lower-class society in Seno Nugroho’s wayang kulit performance. The results showed that the understanding of symbolic values in wayang kulit performance can be observed through the lakon (the plays) and their supporting elements framed in each scene within the performance. Through his creative inner space (freedom of expression), Seno Nugroho made the Bagong character a medium of social criticism that symbolizes the lower-class society. This study used qualitative method and interpretative data analysis technique to describe, narrate, and systematically describe the data regarding Bagong character as a symbol of the lower-class society in Seno Nugroho’s wayang kulit performance. The data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation studies.
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