Social Conflict and Moral Values of Novel Si Anak Badai by Tere Liye The Study of Literature Sociology

Lela Suri, Edi Suyanto, Farida Ariyani


The purpose of this study is to describe the social conflicts and moral values contained in the Novel Si Anak Badai by Tere Liye. This research is a qualitative research using a sociology of literature approach. This research is to describe the social conflict and moral values in the Novel Si Anak Badai by Tere Liye. The results of the discussion in this study are obtained facts related to social conflicts, namely coercion, data lies, and slander. While the moral values contained in the Novel Si Anak Badai by Tere Liye include: filial piety to parents, responsibility, forgiveness, mutual cooperation, the importance of education, friendship, honesty, self-confidence, facing strength with gentleness and others.


Social conflict; Moral values; Novel; Sociology of literature

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