National Digital Samsat (SIGNAL) Program Effectiveness by the System Perspective in the Jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya, Indonesia
This study aims to find out about the National Digital Samsat (SIGNAL) program's implementation in the Metro Jaya Police Legal Area, as well as the factors that impede and support the program's implementation, and to analyze effectiveness strategies from a systemic perspective in the implementation of Digital Samsat National Police (SIGNAL) in the Legal Territory of Polda Metro Jaya. The type of data used in this study indicates that the research method used was qualitative. This research method is descriptive in nature. This study was undertaken at the Samsat Office in Polda Metro Jaya's Legal Area, specifically in Special Capital Area of Jakarta. Based on the findings, the effectiveness of the digital service of the Polda Metro Jaya SIGNAL program has been running effectively. Furthermore, there are number of factors that support the digital service program SIGNAL Polda Metro Jaya which is capable to support the implementation, this can be seen from the equipment (computers, etc.), vehicles and human resources. Meanwhile, there are also number of obstacles in the implementation of the SIGNAL service program such a network issue that makes the service cannot be done since it must be connected to internet network so that it can perform services (such as checking how much total payments of Motor Vehicle Tax), lack of coordination when carrying out tasks, and some individuals are still using broker services because they don't want to deal with Motor Vehicle Tax payments. The existence of broker becomes an impediment to the formation of clean services that follow the regulations.
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