Green Marketing Communication Planning Boutique Hotel in Developing Countries
Green Marketing Communication is a new and evolving concept of marketing green and eco-products with well-defined eco-standards consisting of wide-ranging eco-friendly product and satisfying eco-labelling that communicated to the public frequently. The article focuses on the planning step in communicating green product with a view to developing a sound and sustainable green marketing strategy at a boutique hotel. Greenhost Boutique Hotel applies the Extreme Green Marketing Communication that are comprehensively applied the green value through product, price, place and promotion. The article examines the important aspects that need to be considered before making a green marketing communication strategies and tactics, with an eye to achieve the right message according to the vision and mission of the hotel. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by using in-depth interview technique with General Manager, Marketing Communication, Human Resources Manager and the Sales Marketing Manager Greenhost Boutique Hotel and analyse the data with Miles and Huberman method. The result of the research is important to have a rigid concept such as green product, recycling principle and green promotion applied. Detail data such as analysis customers, competitors, partners, strength and weakness of the hotel and threat and opportunities are the main base data to build a strong integrated marketing communication strategy especially with a complex output that audience understood about eco-conscious hotel and consumer behaviour will to follow the concept.
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