Living together in the European Union?

Marita Brcic Kuljis


The failure of multiculturalism in the EU, confirmed by the key players of the European political scene Merkel, Sarkozy and Cameron (we have seen that only A. Merkel has survived) can be seen as a failure of European Union. Regardless the fact that the policy of multiculturalism has failed, multiculturalism is still, as a living experience of diversity, fact of our daily lives. The political approach to cultural diversity in EU is therefore necessary to change. Today it is not the main question how to live 'with' diversity but how to live 'in' diversity.In this article, we will try to analyze a report Living together. Combining diversity and freedom in 21st-century Europe presented by the Council of Europe in 2011.


European Union; Multiculturalism; Diversity; Living Together

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