The Development of Learning Meadia Based on Digital Card Learning to Improve High Level of Thinking Skills and Basket Ball Passing Skills of Junior High School Students
This study aims to develop learning media based on digital card learning to improve high-order thinking skills and basketball passing skills of junior high school students and to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the digital card learning media. The research method used in this research is Research and Development (RnD) using 10 stages of research; 1) problem identification, 2) data collection, 3) product design, 4) design validation, 5) product trial (small scale), 6) product revision, 7) usage trial (large scale), 8) final product revision, 9) effectiveness test and 10) final product. The research subjects used were 32 samples for small scale, and 64 samples for large scale. The data analysis technique was descriptive quantitative analysis. Based on the assessments results from some experts, both basketball and media experts, it shows that the media developed is in the "Very Eligible" category to be used with a percentage of 91% eligibility. Based on the results of the small-scale test, the results of student assessments were 83%. While the results of large-scale trials on research subjects, the percentage of product feasibility is 85%. The results of the analysis of the effectiveness test conducted through the paired t-test, it was obtained a significance value of 0.000 (influence on HOTS) and 0.000 (influence on passing skills) less than 0.05. Meanwhile, the results of the independent t-test were of 0.002 (HOTS) and 0.030 (passing skill).
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