Investigating the Commonalities and Differences among Shiite and Sunni in Relation to the Causes of Muḥārib
The word Muḥāribah is derived from the root of ḥarb i.e. war, which is the opposite of the word silm meaning peace, and in the term Muḥārib is someone who reveals his weapon to frighten people and intend to corrupt on earth. And such an act is called Muḥāribah and the person who committed it is called Muḥārib. According to verse 33 of Surah Māʼidah, Muḥārib is one who fights God and His Messenger and corrupts the earth. Muḥāribah is used in some Islamic texts with the titles of Ḥirābah or cutting off the road or great robbery, and according to the narrations and opinions of Imamiyyah jurists: Muḥārib is a person who takes up arms with the intention of intimidating and terrorizing the people. And thus commit corruption on earth. Therefore, in the term of Imamiyyah jurisprudence, Muḥāribah means taking up arms with the intention of intimidating and frightening people, and in general jurisprudence, some have dedicated Muḥāribah to robbery and making roads unsafe. And some have defined it as creating insecurity and fear and causing corruption and murder on the ground with weapons or other tools such as chemicals. The appearance of all the contents indicates that the criterion for committing the crime of Muḥāribah is the existence of violence and domination and deprivation of public security.
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