A Systematic Literature Review of Edmodo's Best Practice Implementation for Problem-Based Learning in the Education Sector
To determine the application of the Problem Based Learning paradigm with the Edmodo platform in long-distance learning is this research’s objective. Data were obtained from related journals (databases from Google Scholar and ERIC) from 2015–to 2022. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach was employed in this research. The SLR technique discovers, examines, assesses, and explains all existing research on a phenomenon-related issue, with specific research questions. The SLR approach allows for a systematic evaluation and identification of journals while adhering to the procedures or protocols established in each process. This evaluation includes all education levels that employ PBL as an approach for the process of teaching and learning and the implementation of Edmodo. This research is Qualitative research using QSR NVivo 12 plus software for analyzing. According to the findings of the review, Problem-Based Learning can be described as a learning technique that involves real-world situations as a backdrop for pupils to learn about reasoning and problem-solving skills, as well as fundamental facts and ideas from the subject material. PBL is a technique used for stimulating high-level thinking in problem-solving settings, includes understanding how to learn. Science is discipline that makes most use of PBL and Edmodo in its teaching and learning. Most of the conclusions believe that PBL and e-learning using Edmodo has significant impacts on education and can be used as a model for the learning process at the any educational degree.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i6.3802
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