Foreign Direct Investment of Indonesian Leading Startup Unicorn in Vietnam to Enhance Digital Workforce Skills
This study aims to understand the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the capacity development of Vietnam's digital workforce from the perspective of International Relations. Research focuses on the study of FDI, the digital economy, and employment through understanding the role of leading unicorn startups in developing the capacity of the digital workforce in Vietnam. The study is focusing in the period of 2019-2021.The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method to explain the data obtained from the field in detail and clearly. In this study, researchers used data collection techniques in the form of interviews and document collection. The data collection carried out in this study was by conducting interviews with an informant from the Human Resources (HR) Division of Indonesia's leading unicorn startup at the head office to obtain data on forms of capacity building and transfer of knowledge and technology applied to employees, especially in Vietnam. In addition to data obtained through interviews, researchers will also collect data sourced from documents, including official documents from private sources, such as documents related to FDI in the form of employee capacity building activities in Vietnam.Based on the results of the data analysis conducted by the author, it is known that Vietnam is predicted to have a high digital economy growth value. However, Vietnam is experiencing a shortage of people with intermediate to high levels of digital skills. Several Indonesian digital startups have been recorded as operating and running capacity building programs to improve the quality of Vietnam's digital workforce. However, in its implementation, the capacity development program encountered several challenges, including the limited availability of human resources, language differences and target market, and the measurement of program success which tends to be uncertain.
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