Basics and Method of Quranic Research by Muhammad ‘Abed Al-Jaberi Concerning Verses Related to Women
In line with the neo-Mu'tazilite rationalist thinking, Muhammad ‘Abed al-Jaberi has criticized the Qur'anic and jurisprudential reading of some social issues, including women's issues. He claims the necessity of re-reading the rulings according to the requirements of modern life and its implications. Denial of hijab, prohibition of polygamy, equal share of inheritance and blood money for women and men and elimination of any gender discrimination in rights, regardless of roles and functions, are among his most important views when studying Quranic interpretations concerning social issues. Although he did not focus specifically on the issue of women, he did express his views while evaluating Islamic reason (‘Aql Islami). Al-Jaberi's ideas concerning women's Ahkam contain methodological errors in terms of interpretation, confusion of jurisprudential issues and methodological errors based on pure rationalism, which can be criticized and denied. This research, using analytical-descriptive method, has examined al-Jaberi's thoughts on women's issues with reference to his works and has criticized his method of Quranic research.
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