Exploring the Digital Literacy of Indonesian Generation Z Teachers in English Instruction
There have been lots of studies revealing the digital literacies of generation z students. However, few researchers discuss the digital literacies of generation z teachers. Being the digital generation, especially working as educators, means that digital literacy is inescapable. This research will lead to some interesting facts about the readiness of Indonesian generation z teachers to teach English digitally. This research tries to find the stages of digital literacy of generation z teachers based on the technology integration theory by Puentedura (2012). This research applies a qualitative approach. Using purposive sampling, the researcher has selected 10 generation z teachers who teach English at Indonesian schools. The data are then analyzed and divided into four categories which are substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition. Of the four categories, it’s obtained the result that the grand mean of substitution is 72%. For the augmentation level, the percentage mean obtained is 66% followed by the modification level with 55%. The lowest level received is in the redefinition level with only 36 %.
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Retrieved from: http://hippasus.com/rrpweblog, accessed June 2021.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i5.3767
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