Meaning of Correction of Bawaslu's Verdict to the Decision to Resolve Disputes of the Election Process (Bawaslu Study of West Lombok Regency)
After the reform, the existence of the general election supervisory agency is increasingly considered important to ensure the quality of the implementation of the general election The purpose of the research is to analyze the meaning of the correction of the Bawaslu verdict to the dispute resolution decision of the Bawaslu Regency Election process (Bawaslu Case Study of West Lombok Regency). Research methods, types of normative legal research, with approaches; laws and regulations, concept approaches, and case approaches. In conclusion, the meaning of the correction of Bawaslu's decision on the dispute resolution decision of the Bawaslu Regency Election process (Bawaslu Case Study of West Lombok Regency), is an administrative effort to resolve disputes in the Election process, where Bawaslu is authorized to make corrections to the decisions of Bawaslu Province and Bawaslu Regency / City. The results of the correction of the decision by Bawaslu on the dispute resolution of the Election process in West Lombok Regency have the potential to be used as a reference for political parties participating in the election, to act unconstitutionally by nominating legislators not old enough.
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