Intertextuality and Interdiscursivity in Facebook Users Comments on News Update under the Topic of Paris Tragedy

Ahmad Zulfahmi Muwafiq, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Diah Kristina


This article explores how intertextuality and interdiscursivity in users comment on Facebook is exploited to supplement discrimination, repression or suppression to others. The Discourse Historical Approach (DHA) which falls under the umbrella of critical discourse analysis is employed to explore the mechanism of intertextuality and interdiscursivity in the users’ comments responding to news updates under the topic of Paris Tragedy posted by on its fans page. The data which are collected from the users’ comments are analyzed qualitatively. The finding shows that intertextually users import religious texts into their comments. The users also import discourses including discourse on religion, discourse on Middle East conflict, discourse on terrorism and discourse on law. In doing so, some texts and discourses undergo recontextualization by which certain elements of social practice are substituted or removed to serve the communicative purpose of the users’ comments. Finally, intertextuallity and interdisursivity serve to build a stigma by which a certain religion is negatively presented; to give the sense of being natural to the act of terrorism; to belittle the victims of the act of terrorism and to build negative evaluation through the evocation of past events.


Linguistics;Critical Discourse Analysis

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