Legal Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong Through Employment Agreements

Sagung Ayu Yulita Dewantari, Lalu Husni, RR Cahyowati


Work is an activity that a person does to earn wages to fulfill his life. Indonesia has an abundant population but the availability of jobs is still limited. Hong Kong is the country with the highest number of Indonesian Migrant Workers in 2021. The purpose of the study was to analyze the legal protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong through employment agreements.  The research method, type of research is normative legal research, with an approach; statute approach, and conceptual approach. In conclusion, the legal protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong through employment agreements is by the inclusion of the rights of Indonesian Migrant Workers, namely; the right to work according to the schedule and type of work, the right to obtain wages with a minimum standard of 4,630 HKD every month or equivalent to Rp 8,488,936.59, the right to get rest days, official holidays and paid annual leave, and the right to health protection and social security. An employment agreement provides legal protection for migrant workers, there is an obligation for the employer that if the employer is negligent in fulfilling its obligations, it will be subject to sanctions under the provisions of the prevailing legislation in his country. 


Legal Protection; Indonesian Migrant Workers; Employment Agreements

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