Leadership Communication with State Defense Characteristic in the Younger Generations
The younger generation should be responsible for the future of the nation. Nowadays, a lot of the younger generation fails to understand their civic role that it calls the need for a leader who could deliver the right message for them. This message should be delivered by a communicative leader. Leadership is the activity of influencing others so that they can work together in realizing the goal of an organization. In influencing others, it should come in both verbal and non-verbal communications. That is why the ability to communicate is a primary ability for a leader for conveying their message to their subordinate and to be understood as intended. The younger generation needs to be prepared to be a communicative leader so that they can better manage the country and their leadership should also possess the characteristic of state defense, prioritizing the needs of the nation over their own or certain groups.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i4.3728
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