Criminal Policy in Social Protection in Non Cash Food Assistance Policy (BPNT) (Study of BPNT Implementation in Rembang District)
The asymmetry of BPNT's policies in the realm of ideas or ideas with implementation in the community leaves a narrative that the integrality between community protection policies on the one hand and criminal policies on the other is still far from the monodualism principle of a complete policy. This study aims to analyze the integrality of criminal policies contained in the community protection policy in the BPNT program, focusing on a certain implementation period in Rembang Regency. The research method used is normative juridical, both in the broad and narrow sense. The results found in this study are the BPNT Program as a community protection policy that is integrated into criminal policies (both penal and non-penal). The embodiment of criminal policy is non-penal through pre-emptive and preventive actions and punishment through means of corruption. Supervision on program implementation, which is the main criterion, failed in its duties. Thus, it opens up space for causes (criminogens) and conditions for disgraceful acts in the form of a food mafia which distorts the purpose of BPNT's usefulness for Beneficiary Families.
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