The Concept of "Image" in Television Journalism and Its Classification

Nilufar Tolibjonovna Umirzakova


The general concept of "image" in journalism is explained. Based on the topic, we will focus mainly on the image in television journalism. In the methodology of television research, the exact criteria for the analysis of television images are analyzed on the basis of examples that do not yet exist. Examples are given of how the image is related to the subject of the show and where the starting point is shown by the show's author. The personality of the journalist and his image as elements of the professional environment. The creation of an image through sound, image, speech, language, the objective reflection and subjectivity of the original reality is the author's attitude to reality. About television screen image which can be: children, women, men, animals etc. Screen image classification. The approach to the show is to create an image of the television screen.


Journalist; Image; Sound; Image; Speech; Language; Default; Television; Subject; Effect; Creative Process; Genre; Style; Analysis; Document; Fact; Screen

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