Features of the Development of Gender Labor Migration: Germany, Turkey, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan
Migration of the female population, being an integral part of the migratory society, undergoes qualitative changes at each stage of its development. With the advent of new technical capabilities and methods of production, means of communication, with changes in the social and geopolitical nature of the world, new trends in gender migration are emerging. They manifest themselves in various causal conditions of movements, in the geographical redistribution of the population, as well as in the decline or intensification of migration processes. Migration of the population is now characterized as a global process, covering almost all continents and countries. This article discusses the issues of gender migration and the problems of female migrants in Germany, Turkey, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i5.3680
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