The Influence of Perceived Manageable Conduct, Unobjective Rules, Mental State, and Assurance on Propensity to Buy on Online Application and Its Impact of Conduct to Use Electronic Commerce

Felix Sutisna, Mochammad Riyadh Rizky Adam


This study is aimed to analyze the effect of perceived manageable conduct, unobjective rules, mental state, and assurance on propensity to buy on online application and their impact on conduct to use electronic commerce. The study exogenous variables were perceived manageable conduct, unobjective rule, mental state, and assurance. The study endogenous variables are the propensity to buy on online application and the conduct to use electronic commerce. The study sample consisted of 100 respondents, namely buyers who shop at electronic commerce X. The results of the study concluded that there was an effect of planned control of conduct on the propensity to buy on online application, there was no effect of unobjective rules on propensity to buy on online application, there was an effect of mental state towards propensity to buy on online application, there is no effect of assurance on propensity to buy on online application, and there is an effect of propensity to buy on online application on conduct to use electronic commerce.


Perceived Manageable Conduct; Unobjective Rule; Mental State; Assurance; Propensity to buy on Online Application; Conduct to Use Electronic Commerce

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