The Relationship of the Role of Forest Farmer Group with the Successful Level of Community Forest Management (Hkm) in the Merejebonga Area
The purpose of this research is to: (1) find out the level of performance of the role and success of farming groups in the management of Community Forests; (2) Knowing the contribution of community forest income to the total income of members of forest farming groups; (3) Analyze the magnitude of the relationship between indicators of group role and indicators of the success of agricultural groups in the management of Community Forests. This study uses descriptive methods. This research was conducted in The Merejebonga Forest Area, West Lombok Regency. The determination of the Merejebonga Forest Area as a place of research was conducted on a "Purposive Sampling" basis with the consideration that the Kemsyarakatan Forest in the Merejebonga Forest Area is still relatively new. In general, the role of teaching and learning in the management of Community Forests Merejebonga falls into the category of quite a role, cooperation is included in the category of role, and production units are included in the category of quite instrumental. Success in the management of Community Forest Merejebonga falls into the category of success, the contribution of Community Forest income in the category is quite successful and empowerment is included in the category of quite successful. The contribution of Community Forest income is slightly below the poverty line in 2021, but community forest income can help in the fulfillment of per capita quality every month. The role between the teaching and learning indicator with the success of the group on the indicator of group power is related and the role between the indicator of the production unit and the success of the farmer group on the indicator of group power related.
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