Leadership Strategic Role of Tutty Alawiyah in Development of Islamic Da’wah Through the Organization of Badan Kontak Majelis Ta’lim in Indonesia
The objectives of the present paper is to identify the leadership strategic role of Tutty Alawiyah in developing Islamic da’wah by the medium of Contact Body of Majelis Ta’lim (BKMT) that is capable of unify the vision and mission of BKMT in all regions in Indonesia. The study employed a qualitative method by exploring various social and individual settings within the scope of research object; it also involved phenomenology and ethnography approaches. The results showed that: a) there are three main components that characterizes the BKMT as having the organizational cultures that are able to sustain the organization survival. The cultures involve: tangible artifacts, upheld values, and underlying common assumptions; b) Tutty Alawiyah is the strategic figure of the establishment of BKMT, in which her characters and leadership role have been embedded into the organizational values, attributes, and cultural values; c) Tutty Alawiyah is a true leader, such is resembled by the movement and influence she possesses in unifying the Majelis Ta’lim all over Indonesia; d) Tutty Alawiyan is the initiator (mufakkirah) as well as the driving force (muharrikah) of the congregation; e) Tutty Alawiyah displays a charismatic type of leadership as reflected from the huge influence she has to her subordinates and the commitment the subordinates show.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i4.3646
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