Policy for Implementation of Islamic Law Under Special Autonomous Province
Siyasah Autonomy and Qanun can be said as a special regulation of regional scope or special regulation that regulates the application of Islamic Sharia in the scope of Aceh region. Siyasah and Autonomy came into force since the enactment of Law No. 44 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of Special Regional Provinces of Aceh after the reform in Indonesia. Siyasah Autonomy and Qanun Aceh is further strengthened by the Law No. 18 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for Special Regions of Aceh as Naggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. Nevertheless, Law No. 18 of 2001 was later amended with the passing of Law No. 11 of 2006 concerning the Government of Aceh. This change is considered as an improvement, because Law No. 18 of 2001 is considered no longer qualified to accommodate the aspirations of acehnese people after a peace agreement in the event of the Free Aceh Movement or GAM rebellion. The existence of a strong relationship between Siyasah Autonomy and Qanun in Aceh with GAM cannot be separated from the existence of Islamic Sharia in the life of the Acehnese people themselves. Both Siyasah Autonomy and Qanun Aceh or GAM are two elements in common – the same makes Islamic Sharia as the basis of their existence. Therefore, it can practically be said that the GAM event had a very large influence on the change of Siyasah Autonomy and Qanun Aceh itself. The existence of a strong relationship between Siyasah Autonomy and Qanun in Aceh with GAM cannot be separated from the existence of Islamic Sharia in the life of the Acehnese people themselves. Both Siyasah Autonomy and Qanun Aceh or GAM are two elements in common – the same makes Islamic Sharia as the basis of their existence. Therefore, it can practically be said that the GAM event had a very large influence on the change of Siyasah Autonomy and Qanun Aceh itself. The existence of a strong relationship between Siyasah Autonomy and Qanun in Aceh with GAM cannot be separated from the existence of Islamic Sharia in the life of the Acehnese people themselves. Both Siyasah Autonomy and Qanun Aceh or GAM are two elements in common – the same makes Islamic Sharia as the basis of their existence. Therefore, it can practically be said that the GAM event had a very large influence on the change of Siyasah Autonomy and Qanun Aceh itself.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i3.3641
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