The Representation of Pancasila Leadership Among the Students of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta

Iswahyuni Iswahyuni, Subakdi Subakdi, Angela Efianda


Leadership is understood in general as the ability inherent to an individual to influence other people in order to achieve a goal. It is something inherent to a leader that is constituted of several different aspects such as: personality, ability, and willingness (Wahjosumidjo, 1987: 11). It is a set of actions done by the leader that cannot be separated from its position, style, and the action as well as how it interacts with other leaders, its followers, and certain situation. Pancasila is part of the constitution to the Republic of Indonesia which also serves as the philosophy for the universal values for its people. Which is required to be implemented consistently in state’s affair. Pancasila leadership is the leadership that brings the awareness of statesmanship based on Pancasila and the state’s law constitution. A leader that is based on Pancasila should be able to manage the diversity of Indonesia and to bring the nation to greatness. Based on that observation the researchers are looking to explore further how the students represents the idea of Pancasila leadership in the UPN “Veteran” Jakarta.


Representation; Pancasila; Leadership; Diversity

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