The Sustainability of Community Empowerment as Development Strategies: The Experience of Indonesia
Empowerment is a development initiative used to strengthen the social, cultural, and economic values of a community. Over the years, Indonesia has experienced various poverty alleviation and development programs such as the IDT (Presidential Instruction for Disadvantaged Villages), PPK (Kecamatan Development Project), PNPM (National Program for Community Empowerment) and the formation of Village Laws. Empowerment strategies are one of the processes used for local economic development in Indonesia. Community empowerment is a perfect evolution for local development in Indonesia; therefore, communities need to adequately participate in the process to achieve the required agenda. This study reviews the experiences associated with development implementation in Indonesian communities. The outcome of this paper is to provide a complete overview of the concepts, theories, approaches, and implementation practices of community empowerment as a development strategy in Indonesia. It also evaluates and assesses the meaning of sustainability of empowerment in each development agenda.
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