The Enforcement of Simple Claim Process as a Role Model of Credit Agreement Conflict Resolution in Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR)
This study is aimed to know varied factors influencing simple claim has not become role modelof credit conflict resolution in BPR. Research method is normative juridic. Data collection technique is documentary/literature study and books or other related documents with the case under study. Results of the research shown that several factors are influencing the simple claim not to be role model of credit conflict resolution in BPR because the non existence of regulation on simple claim to be the only legal effort in the resolution of credit conflict in UMKM. In addition, people feels that simple claim is poorly socialized and minimal information available related with the infrequent State Court verdict on simple claim case for reference, and support from the law enforcement which are frequently made to be simple claim to be non simple claim. Therefore, it is necessary for more efforts to introduce the resolution of simple claim in the resolution of credit conflict by seminars and also legal requrements stipulated as legal host in the resolution of credit conflict, which are not inflicting either party. The preliminary step for simple claim organizational image role model of credit conflict is that Supreme Court must immediately make PERMA to enforce PERMA No. 2 Year of 2015 on Simple Claim in credit conflict, with any legal consequence for the violator. BPR shall enclose clause of conflict resolution using simple claim in each credit agreement.
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