Comparavistic Analysis of the Short Stories of Ghada Al-Samman and Zulfiya Kurolboy Kizi
For almost two centuries, the issue of artistic psychology and psychological analysis has remained one of the most pressing issues on the agenda in world literature. In works of art led by humanistic ideas and the philosophy of existentialism, man and his life, personality and its value, self-awareness and self-awareness, and most importantly, the hero's psyche and inner world came to the fore. In modern literary processes, works written in the style of social realism, glorifying human labor, depicting the characters of the work and the relationships around them, have lost their relevance, and the need for psychological works depicting the complex relationship between the image and its inner world has increased. In the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, artistic psychologism, especially psychological storytelling, has been leading the way in other genres in Arabic and Uzbek storytelling. First of all, such psychological stories vividly describe the problems of today's society and the complex aspects of human destiny. skillfully disclosed by the authors. It is no coincidence that in this article, the stories of Syrian-Lebanese writer Ghada al-Samman and Uzbek writer Zulfiya Kurolboy kizi have been selected for a comparative study of modern Arabic and Uzbek psychological stories. The reason is that although these two writers lived and worked at the same time and did not interact with each other, there are many commonalities in their work and style.
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