Notary's Criminal Liability in Forging a Deed of Meeting Resolutions

Kurniawan Suhendra, Hari Purwadi, Muhammad Rustamaji


A Notary Deed containing a criminal act of falsifying a letter can make the Notary a party who participates in committing a crime so as to give birth to criminal liability for the Notary. The purpose of this study is to analyze the criminal liability of the Notary in the decision is correct or not. The method used is normative legal research with deductive logic analysis techniques and interpretations. The approaches used in this paper are the statute approach and the case approach through the study of court decisions. The results showed that the Notary made a deed used as a condition for changes in the composition of shareholders and management of a Limited Liability Company. Criminal liability against a Notary should be based on the facts of the trial, the actions of a Notary that are legally and convincingly proven are that the Notary participates in committing the crime of forging letters against authentic deeds.


Keywords: Accountability; Notary Public; Criminal act



Accountability; Notary Public; Criminal Act

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