Innovation of Academic Supervision Management at First Middle School Supervisors in Bengkulu City

Akmaludin Akmaludin, Rambat Nur Sasongko, Sumarsih Sumarsih, Nirwana Nirwana


The study aims to find out innovations in the management of academic supervision of junior high school supervisors in Bengkulu City regarding (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) evaluation and follow-up, 4) constraints and solutions. This research is descriptive qualitative research, using interview, observation, and documentation methods. The benefits of research are to improve the quality of supervisors' academic supervision, the quality of the teacher's learning process in the classroom. The research subjects were: supervisors, principals, and teachers of Bengkulu City Junior High School. The results showed that: (1) the planning for academic supervision of supervisors was not based on the results of last year's academic supervision mapping and many teachers had not completed the learning tools, (2) the implementation of academic supervision in the classroom was minimal in every semester due to various factors, (3) evaluation of supervision was carried out for assessment. Teacher performance every year and has not been followed up. 4) constaints: (a) many teachers do not want to be supervised, (b) many teachers do not complete learning tools, (c) lack of cooperation between supervisors, principals and teachers in academic supervision. Solutions by innovating: (a) planning, namely conducting workshops, IHT, and seminars, (b) implementation with friendship, brotherhood, brainstorming, and increasing MGMP activities, (c) Continuous field monitoring and monitoring through structured and planned online, (d) ) Supervision innovation with a clinical supervision model approach (like a colleague). If supervisors, principals, and teachers carry out academic supervision with all their heart, kinship, and a sense of brotherhood, the quality of education will increase.


Innovation; Management; Academic Supervision; Supervisors; Teachers

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