Philosophical and Hermeneutic Analysis of the Symbolic Worldview in the Context of the Aestetic Culture of China
The subject of the study is the aesthetic cultural tradition of China, a symbol and a symbolic worldview, which are considered in the context of the processes of globalization, dialogue of cultures. The relevance of the topic of research is due, firstly, to the dynamics of the development of the modern world, integration processes, the strengthening of the principles of the open world, and the expansion of the information and communication space; secondly, the increased interest of socio-humanitarian knowledge in the analysis of various models of understanding the symbol and symbolic perception of the world within the framework of China's aesthetic culture, both in theoretical terms and in its specific reflections; thirdly, increased intercultural contacts with the business community of modern China, the effective implementation of which is impossible without taking into account a wide range of ideas about the characteristics of national culture. The value of the study is determined by the justification of the methodological role of Chinese philosophy, which serves as the foundation of the symbol and symbolic worldview.
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