Asimilative Capacity Analysis Mangrove Ecosystem Fish Farm Area in Fahiluka-Lakun Village, Malaka Regency

Sandri Linggi, Fredryk L. Benu, Hamza H. Wulakada


The high needs of coastal communities in Fahiluka and Lakekun villages encourage the community to utilize the mangrove forest area as a place for making fish ponds. Excessive use of mangrove forest areas will have an impact on the loss of marine biota in the mangrove ecosystem as well as a decrease in the function of the mangrove ecosystem as a deterrent to abrasion. Changes in the mangrove ecosystem into fish ponds by cutting down mangrove trees will of course reduce the assimilative capacity. This study aims to analyze the level of production that provides the maximum level of profit from the fish pond business in Fahiluka/Lakekun Village, calculate the level of assimilation capacity of the mangrove ecosystem that has been converted into pond land, and analyze the social optimal production level of the fish pond business in Fahiluka Village/ Lakekun. Based on the results of the research, it is known that through a marginal approach, fish farming business in Fahiluka/Lakekun Village achieves maximum profit when producing fish of 126,906 kg with a profit value of Rp. 4,824,510,288. The maximum level of assimilation capacity occurs when the community produces 5,190 kg of fish per hectare on a land area of approximately 4.08 hectares. Meanwhile, the social optimal production level occurs when the people of Fahiluka/Lakekun Village produce fish at a production level of 100,178 kg or 26,728 kg which must be reduced from the optimum production level with a land area of 78 hectares.


Fish Farm; Mangrove Forest; Maximum Profit; Assimilation Capacity

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