Implementation of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

Lukmanul Hakim, Mursidin Mursidin


The aim of this study was to find out the effectiveness of using the mind mapping technique to teach vocabulary. The subjects of this study were 30 students of fifth semesters Students of Islamic Education for Early Childhood Department of Islamic Institute of Qamarul Huda in the academic year 2020/2021. This study uses the quantitative method by using a descriptive approach. The data was obtained by using pre-test and post-test and observation. The data were analyzed statistically and described descriptively. This study found that the percentage of students’ ability in a pre-test in lower ability was 57 %, the medium ability was 30 %, the high ability was 10 % and excellent was 3 %. Furthermore, after giving treatment the percentage of students’ ability in post-test in lower ability was 0 %, the medium ability was 6,66 %, and high ability was 83,33 % and excellent was 10,01 %.  The average score of students increased the total score in pre-test was 1807 and in the post-test was 2458. The average scores both in pre-test and post-test increased in pre-test 60, 23 and post-test was 81, 93. The percentage of students’ achievements of all criteria on post-test was, in first criteria, the percentage of excellent was 7 %, in the high criteria was 83 %, the medium was 10%, and in the low criteria was 0%. Hence, using the mind mapping technique was very effective in building and scaffolding the student’s vocabulary mastery. And also the mind mapping technique helps the students in using their left and right brain in learning vocabulary.


Mind Mapping; Vocabulary; Teaching

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