Counter-Propaganda on the United Liberation Movement of West Papua (ULMWP) in Internationalizing Papua Issues in Online Media Through Digital Diplomacy
This study aims to describe online media as a counter-propaganda medium within defense diplomacy. The research takes a case study of counter-propaganda against the ULMWP, which can effectively utilize online media to internationalize, garner support, and attract international sympathy for the Papua issue. The research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive design. Data was collected through online observations through the Free West Papua, The Guardian, and Radionz sites. Interviews were conducted with five informants from defense universities who are experts in defense diplomacy. In addition, documentation is carried out by collecting reports related to the ULMWP. The results showed the propaganda strategy by utilizing online media by ULMWP. The propaganda strategy carried out by the ULMWP must be countered with a counter-propaganda strategy by utilizing the same media within the framework of Defense diplomacy through online diplomacy.
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