The Signs of Pemuda Hijrah in Social Media

Yudi Daherman, Andi Mirza Ronda, Fahruddin Faiz


Citizens always experience changes in their social life, especially in communication. Social media become the change proponent. Pemuda Hijrah (Hijrah Youth) community on Instagram account used the sign of hijrah showing the genuine, great, and true religious identity. This study aims to reveal the hyperreality of Pemuda Hijrah community through sign production used by Pemuda Hijrah community on Instagram. The result of the study showed that the sign production created through hashtag (#) symbol on Instagram became a missionary strategy which can be accepted by current citizens, and the costume sign worn by Ust. Hanan Ataki was a trigger that became the charisma in the community. Virtual citizens thought that the trend hijrah nowadays is the activity exposed through social media.


Sign Production; Virtual community; Hijrah Youth

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