Alternative Feminist Islamic Therapy in Handling Victims of Domestic Violence

Asriyanti Rosmalina


One of the problems of life in society is failure and domestic violence. Domestic violence is a human right related violation. One of the impacts of domestic violence is that the wife experiences physical pain and mental stress. Therefore, victims of domestic violence need recovery efforts. One of the recovery efforts is through Feminist Islamic Therapy. Feminist Islamic therapy is a service provided to counselees, especially Muslim victims, in helping to solve the problem of domestic violence. The focus of this research problem, specifically on victims of domestic violence. The type of research used is library research. Sources of data used are books, scientific journals and thesis. Data collection techniques are editing, organizing, and finding. The data analysis used is data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions. The results of the study, Feminist Islamic therapy is an approach that is very relevant to the problem of domestic violence. The integration of Islamic psychology can shape a counselee into an individual who builds personal-social strength and resilience to strategies for dealing with trauma and stress in the past, present and future with a spiritual and religious touch.


Domestic Violence; Feminist Islamic Therapy; Islamic

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