Islamic Acculturation and Local Culture (The Symbolism of the Community Life Cycle Ceremony Lampung Pepadun)
The acculturation of Islam with local culture reflects the fusion of two different cultural entities. This requires a study of the theological and philosophical basis for the new style of acculturation, the meaning of cultural symbols, and Islamic juridical justification for local cultural practices. Life cycle rituals in Lampung society describe the phases of life starting from pregnancy, birth, marriage and death. The symbolic meaning in the rituals of the life cycle of the Lampung Pepadun community contains messages and hopes, both based on local philosophy and religious doctrine. The acculturation of Islam in the life cycle ceremony of the people of Lampung Pepadun can be seen from the ritual process that reflects elements of local culture and Islam. The Islamic element in the life cycle ceremony of the Lampung Pepadun community can be seen from the reading of prayers and holy verses of the Quran.
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