Development of Career Maturity Scale for students of SMP Muhammadiyah Pakem

Nurraini Jatiwi Putri, Mami Hajaroh


Career maturity in junior high school students needs to be emphasized and applied in life, considering the many negative impacts if it is not handled and taken seriously. It is necessary to measure through instruments related to career maturity as the first step in preventing adverse effects. This study aimed to develop a career maturity scale instrument for SMP Muhammadiyah Pakem. This research uses research and development (R&D) methods. The sample involved in this study amounted to 263 students of SMP Muhammadiyah Pakem, taken from classes VII and VIII. The results showed that: 1) the content validity carried out by five experts with the Aiken formula calculation showed a score of 0.87 with 29 items valid from 36 items; 2) the reliability test of the instrument using the Cronbach Alpha formula obtained a score of 0.776; 3) KMO value is 0.684; 4) Barlett's Test obtained is 0.00; 5) anti-image correlation and communality test aborted two items so that the remaining 29 items were in a suitable category; 6) the total variance of explaining with a percentage of 63.346%; 7) and of the 18 factors, 11 factors can explain the total diversity. 


Scale; Career Maturity; Students of SMP Muhammadiyah Pakem

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