Semiotic Analysis of the Elements of Fine Art in Muslim Households

Kuwat Kuwat, Kun Setyaning Astuti


Indonesia has many tribes, races, and religions that vary according to their ancestors. In order to maintain the continuity of human life, humans must do marriages so that there will be future generations who will continue the trah (Javanese, kinship) nasab (Arabic, lineage) of communities. In the case of marriage, the procedure depends on the customs and religion of each community. The author examines the semiotic side of elements of art in households. Household lives are full of rhythm in their journeys, there are ups and downs, sometimes cheerful, sometimes sorrowful. The elements of art contained in households are numerous, from various sides of this life many elements are found in art education that can be studied semiotically. However, considering that the assignment the author writes is limited in time, the author restricts it to the basic elements. In this exposition, the author tries to uncover various elements of art including points, lines, planes, shapes, and colors. From these elements, the author tries to take the implied values to be associated with Muslim household lives. Elements of art are a series of or interconnectedness between one element with another element. This article will hopefully be useful for readers, especially Muslim householders, and be able to produce noble values that can be taught to good generations. Good generations are born from good families as well as from bad families who have the will to be good.


Elements of Art; Marriage; Semiotic Values

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