ADHD Students' Social Skills at the Time of Online Learning Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic
During the Covid-19 pandemic, conventional learning activities in Indonesia were converted into online learning activities. That has a major impact on the skills of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) who attend inclusive schools. The study was conducted to find out the social skills of ADHD students during the pandemic. The study was conducted at two inclusive schools in Surakarta, Indonesia. The data was collected through observations of 12 ADHD students, and interviews were conducted on 30 teachers. Data analysis in this study uses descriptive analysis by Miles and Huberman (1994). The results showed that ADHD students were in the category of lacking in aspects of responsibility, communication, cooperation, and self-control. While the empathy, engagement, and assertion aspects are in the category of enough.
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