Curriculum Transformation and the Impact to the Implementation in Learning: Lecturers’ Perspective

Dyah Werdinigsih, Sunismi Sunismi, Diah Retno Widowati, Ari Ambarwati


Curriculum transformation in higher education initiate myriad impact for lecturers and learning activities. However, a number of lecturers paid less attention to the programs proposed in the current curriculum. This research aimed at describing the quality of variety of programs which were precedingly carried out massively, portraying lecturers’ perception toward the implementation of the newest curriculum, and the impact of the implementation of the curriculum to two particular points, learning activities and lecturers’ knowledge capacity. The current research was accomplished in a private university named Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia. A set of questionnaire was provided to 400 lecturers as population of the research. The survey items were constructed by Indonesian Online Learning System. The data analyses were undergone through SPSS 16.0 calculation to be explained descriptively. The finding indicate that few lecturers had inadequate information to the implementation of the newest curriculum. In accordance with the implementation of the curriculum, more than a half of the subjects believed that the programs are capable on improving the learning and lecturers’ knowledge capacity.


Curriculum Transformation; Lecturers’ Perspective; Impact on Learning; Knowledge Capability

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