The Analysis of Goal Attainment of Empowerment Program in Mangkubumen Sub-District, Surakarta
Poverty becomes a crucial problem for the urban cities, including Surakarta, the center of the Javanese traditional kingdom. The local government tries to overcome poverty by promoting empowerment programs. This article analyzes the goal attainment and the driven factors as well as challenges of empowerment program of Mangkubumen society namely Mangku Sinah Klamben, Mangku Lawren, and Mangku Dolan. Qualitative analysis based on Talcott Parson's theory of AGIL was used as a method of analysis. The findings of the research show that the goal attainment of three leading empowerment programs in Mangkubumen covers economic, social, and cultural objectives. The economic goal aims to solve poverty through the improvement of economic activities especially for the MSMEs in the Mangkubumen area. The social objective tries to change people's mindsets about moneylenders. The socio-economic problems are solved through collective funding in the form of infaq. The cultural objectives relate to the effort to preserve cultural values of society to the younger generation by traditional game awakening. The driving factors of the empowerment programs in Mangkubumen lies in the collective movement of a local agent, society, and also local government. The challenge of the programs is the pandemic covid-19 that changes economic and social interaction among people.
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