Strategy for Developing an Environmental Industrial Area in Malang Regency
Increasing industrial competitiveness is one of the choices that must be made so that national industrial products are able to compete both domestically and abroad. The existence of industrial estates is beneficial for local governments and investors. The form of this research is in the form of a feasibility study of an industrial area in the village of Jabung, Malang Regency, which is intended to provide direction for the development of the industrial sector through the concentration of industry in an area to strengthen the economic structure and develop industries based on local potential and create an industrial area that is environmentally sound. The method used in this research is the SWOT method. Determination of the objective factors was obtained based on a questionnaire from the community, community leaders, entrepreneurs, and the government. Based on the concept of an industrial system in the Jabung industrial area, Malang Regency, which pays attention to the surrounding environment, it can be concluded that the implementation of the program is in accordance with the zoning regulations of environmentally sound industrial areas. In addition, the development of industrial areas and in the area around the industry is included in quadrant II, room C, so the strategy used in the development of the industrial area is Aggressive Maintenance Strategy, namely an internal consolidation strategy by making improvements in various fields, so that the development of the industrial area in Jabung village is feasible to be developed. in accordance with existing regulations so that the form of industrial estate management based on government regulation no. 24 of 2009 concerning industrial areas.
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