Increasing Activeness and Learning Outcomes at the University by Applying the STAD Method to Learning

Andi Padalia, Andi Jamilah, Heriyati Yatim, Alimuddin Alimuddin, Warih Handayaningrum, Wida Rahayuningtyas


Education is one important aspect of human life. The level of success in education itself is largely determined by the quality of the learning process. The type of research used in this research is classroom action research with action in the form of cooperative application with the STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) model. This classroom action research was carried out in two cycles, each cycle carried out following planning procedures, acting, observing, and reflecting. Total Samples are 38 students consisting of 18 male students and 20 female students. From the research results, it was found that there was a high increase related to student activeness in learning and the evaluation results of the learning material compared to using conventional methods that have been carried out so far. In conventional model learning (lectures) does not provide opportunities for students to be active in learning, so students tend to be silent and only listen to explanations from the teacher. Even though it has different background problems and categories, the STAD method applied can achieve the same goals, namely increasing the number of graduations and student understanding and improving the quality of learning and teaching. The learning process is basically an interaction of educators (teachers) with students to achieve the expected learning goals. For this reason, the teacher must have a strategy so that student learning can learn effectively and efficiently.


Cooperative Learning; Learning Process; Student Motivation; Effective Teaching

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