Struggle of Vested-Interests on Type-C Mining Digging in Sebudi Village, Karangasem Bali

Ida Bagus Gde Putra, Anak Agung Ngurah Anom Kumbara, I Nyoman Suarka, I Nyoman Sukiada


The application of regional autonomy in accordance with Article 10 of Law no. 22 of 1999 gave local governments the authority to manage natural resources, especially excavation C mining. The management of mineral C excavation in Sebudi Village will certainly have a positive impact and a negative impact on the community. The problems that then arise are that miners often violate the rules, causing damage that has an impact on the surrounding community, causing conflicts between corporations (miners) and the community. The purpose of this study was to determine the conflict and community resistance to the type-C excavation in Sebudi Village. This study uses interpretative qualitative methods through interviews, observations, and document studies. The results of this study indicate that there has been an internal conflict between the community and the miners. The conflict emphasizes the existence of unclear land tenure rights. This lack of clarity triggers small-scale disintegration triggered by the struggle for inheritance over land ownership which causes family ties to become more tenuous, resulting in mutual claims. The existence of mutual land ownership claims between families has an impact on the lack of clarity in the accountability of the land according to its rights and obligations (land certificates), thus causing uncertainty in paying taxes to the state or government. The absence of a land certificate is also one of the obstacles in managing the type-C excavation business permit which must be based on a land certificate.


Stakeholders; Vested-Interest; Type-C Mining Digging

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