Manangement of Rejang Tribe Local Wisdom in Environmental Education
Abstract—Understanding the local wisdom becomes important in managing natural resources and conserving the environment. The purpose of this research is to revitalize and preserve the local wisdom of the indigenous community in Bengkulu. The benefits of this research will be used for the revitalization and preservation of local wisdom and revitalize the values and cultural norms contained in regulating the life of the community. The type of method applied in this research is descriptive qualitative and literature study, which is sourced from research results and publications. Another source taken is stories from the people of North Bengkulu, namely from the people around the city of Arga Makmur. This story is obtained through discussions, in-depth interviews. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that the revitalization and preservation of local wisdom in the Rejang Tribe are carried out through the inheritance of local wisdom values, especially those related to understanding why it needs to be done and what its benefits are to the local community. The local wisdom of the Rejang Tribe preserved is in the form of (1) Rejang customs in forest management, (2) mapping of Rejang and Serawai customary forest areas, (3) caring and maintaining the environment in swampland processing for rice farming, (4) subak ( a traditional water management system) in the north Bengkulu regency, (5) caring and maintaining processing, indigenous farming, Rejang and its goals), (6) cayo source law, (7) earthquake-resistant Bengkulu traditional house technology, and (8) village washing traditions.
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