Development of Research Methodology Textbook Based-On Contextual Teaching and Learning

Mohamad Arief Rafsanjani, Dhiah Fitrayati, Eka Hendi Andriansyah, Muhammad Abdul Ghofur, Albrian Fiky Prakoso


The need for teaching materials at the university level is a concern for many parties. One thing that is considered in the development of teaching materials is how the teaching materials can provide a real learning experience for students. This study aims to develop a research methodology textbook based on contextual teaching and learning. This research is development research by adopting four stages of the 4D model (define, design, develop, and disseminate). The results showed that the developed textbooks were in the proper category with an average score of 84.14. In addition, this textbook is also proven to improve student learning outcomes, with an average score of 84.38. This finding shows that the textbook can be an alternative as a reference in learning activities.


Development Research;Contextual Teaching and Learning;Research Methodology Textbook

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