The Effect of Hedonic Shopping and Utilitarian Values on Impulse Buying Moderated by Gender on the Marketplace

Ni Putu Inten Nindya Paramitha, Sulhaini Sulhaini, Akhmad Saufi


This study aims to determine the effect of hedonic shopping and utilitarian values on impulse buying in the marketplace and also to determine the role of gender in moderating this influence. The type of research used was descriptive quantitative, namely a causal associative research. The population in this study are consumers who have shopped at the marketplace. The number of samples taken were 150 people. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through an online survey and analyzed by using SEM-PLS through the SmartPLS application version 3.0. The results show that hedonic shopping and utilitarian values have a significant influence on impulse buying while gender does not moderate the effect of hedonic shopping or utilitarian values on impulse buying.


Hedonic Shopping Value; Utilitarian Value; Impulse Buying; Marketplace

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