The Effect of Training Strategies and Self-Efficiency on the Ability to Create Creative Dance

Nurlita Nurlita, Elindra Yetti, Myrnawati Crie Handini


This study aims to examine the effect of training strategies and self-efficacy on the ability to create creative dances. The research method is an experiment by level 2x2. The target population in this study was PAUD teachers in DKI Jakarta Province. While the affordable population in this study was PAUD teachers in the East Jakarta and South Jakarta areas. The samples taken were 128 teachers consisting of 64 experimental classes and 64 control classes. The data analysis technique used in this study is a two-way ANNAVA to test the main effect A and main effect B and the effect of the interaction between A and B (main effect and interaction effect). The next test was carried out using the t-test which was intended to test the average difference between cells (simple effect). The results showed that: 1) The ability to create creative dances for PAUD teachers using a free expression approach was higher than teachers using a scientific approach, 2) The ability to create creative dances for PAUD teachers who had high self-efficacy was higher than the ability to create creative dances for PAUD teachers who had high self-efficacy. have low self-efficacy; 3) There is an interaction effect between training strategies and self-efficacy on the ability to create creative dances for PAUD teachers; 4) The training strategy using a free expression approach is more suitable for those who have high self-efficacy in improving the ability to create creative dances for PAUD teachers in DKI Jakarta Province; 5) The training strategy using a scientific approach is more suitable for those who have low self-efficacy in improving the ability to create creative dances for PAUD teachers in DKI Jakarta Province.


Training Strategy; Self-Efficacy; Ability to Create a Creative Dance

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