Peace and Justice from the Viewpoint of the Iranian Supreme Leader
The Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, expresses valuable and wise remarks in different occasions and according to the audiences’ need and based on time and place requirements. Two peace and justice terms are among the subjects that he has put emphasis on them continuously. This attention especially to justice is that he named the fourth decade of Islamic Revolution the Progress and Justice Decade. On one hand the Supreme Leader’s scientific character and position as the leader of Islamic Revolution Holy System and his mastery and dominance over verses and narratives and also the richness of divine doctrines make the necessity to refer to them as an unerring source and base of what the humankinds need as a religious and rational duty and task. Therefore, using these two invaluable gravities by the Supreme Leader especially in two important subjects of peace and justice is a decisive and clear matter. Although some people may regard the Supreme Leader’s remarks as his personal perspective due to not familiarizing with the position of the Rule of Jurisprudent and also with his scientific character. Thus, the current study by means of descriptive-documentary research method aims at answering these questions that how are peace and justice explained in the supreme leader’s thoughts? And what are their position in Qur’an’s and narratives’ perspective?
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