Evaluation of the Implementation of the Police Necessary Establishment Education Program (DIKTUKBA) During Covid-19 Pandemic Conditions at the Women Police (SEPOLWAN) School of Police Lemdiklat T.A. 2020/2021

Maria Enny Kryswulandari, Bedjo Sujianto, Siti Rochanah


This study aims to find out and describe comprehensively the implementation and achievement of the objectives of the National Police NCO formation program during the Covid-19 pandemic condition which was carried out at the Women's Police School Lemdiklat Polri T.A. 2020/2021 by looking at the quality of education implementation based on 8 (eight) education standards. The method used is descriptive qualitative and the approach used in this research is evaluation, with the Discrepancy evaluation model developed by Provus. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, surveys, and documents. As for the results in this study, it is estimated that the effectiveness (success) of parenting is 58.44%. So that the pattern of parenting and guidance still has to be improved, in terms of the methodology of parenting/guidance and competence of caregivers/supervisors, accompanied by the existence of a regular team of motivators.


Evaluation; Education Program; Covid-19

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i12.3281


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