Meaning and Functions of State Administrative Assets Reports in a Clean and Free Country Management of Colusion, Corruption and Nepotism
The type of research used in this research is normative legal research. Considering the RASA as the prevention and prosecution of criminal acts of corruption, collusion and nepotism, where this task is entrusted to the Corruption Eradication Commission, it encourages the Government and the House of Representatives to give authority to the CEC as an institution that imposes sanctions on state administrators in relation to non-compliance with the obligation to report RASA in the amendments to the Law. Law No. 28/1999 concerning the Implementation of a Clean and Corruption-Free State, Collusion and Nepotism or the Law on the Corruption Eradication Commission, which so far have been sanctioned for non-compliance with the obligation to report RASA to the respective agencies where the State Administrator is located. In this regard, the author proposes that the CEC be given the authority to impose sanctions on Providers who do not comply with reporting RASA and also those who are dishonest in reporting RASA, so that the meaning of the RASA function is not only preventive in nature but also action is realized as well as for State Organizers not to play games in carrying out their obligations to report RASA.
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